Friday 30 April 2010

Original Script

This is the first draft of our script, close to the time for filming, we decided that we should not have any dialogue at all so focused on trying tell the story through the editing and camera-work and build tension that way.

1.ext.night.park [real time]

darren standing over josh's body on the floor.the grass of the park is redend by the blood of the josh face. light shining on his face. [flashback]

Josh is on his sofa in his room with loud music playing in the background playing xbox. his phone rings and he seems to be arranging a meeting in 'the park' with someone he is going to meet.


hey darren. have you got it?
yeah yeah i got the money,you are going to be there?
alright cool. see you later.

after the phone conversation he gets up and goes to some draws and ruffles around at the bottom of the draw and pulls out a roll of £20 notes and realises its not enough and panics.

3.ext.night.park [real time]

darren going through josh pockets and finding a phone and his wallet while josh knocked out. [flashback]

Josh leaving his house and walking to the bus stop, getting on the bus and arriving at the park. he walks to the meeting point always looking behind him suspiciosly.

5.ext.early evening.park [flashback]

darren picks up a gun and a bag of drugs from a table and puts it in the waistband of his trousers and the drugs in his pocket. he walks out the the door and shuts it after him.

6.ext.night.park [flashback]

they meet,


hey man, how are you?


leave it out, wheres my money?


here it is, all here


one sec, let me check

Darren checks the money then looks up at josh and realizes that it is not enough.


what the fuck is this? you think you can do this to me? huh?


its all there, i counted it... it must have fallen out my pocket.


dont waste my time

Darren then walks away but josh tries to grab his pocket to steal the drugs.


what do you think your'e doing?

josh doesn't have enough money and begs the dealer.


please i'm desperate.

Darren then picks josh up and rams him against the tree. punches him in his stomach and hits him round the face, which makes josh unconscious.


darren standing over his body.the grass of the park is redend by the blood of the boys face. darren then walks away slowly out of the frame.

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