Tuesday 9 February 2010


00.00 - c. 02.25

We thought the tormented opening would be a good comparison to look at because we have the same genre as tormented. this means that we could analyse it and look at the way it presents the characters using mise en scene and sound etc.

It influenced the way we thought about our overall idea and how we presented it to the audience, for example we used quick editing to enhance the pace of the film and to create a sense of panic.

Wild Style

The opening sequence for Wild Style is very vibrant and colourful and gives the audience and immediate idea of what the film is about. It uses graffiti and cartoon city scapes to show the urban feel of the film. The non-diagetic music is hip hop which links to the film which is based on graffiti, hip hop and urban life.

The Incredible Hulk

This is the opening sequence for the incredible hulk, the colour theme carried through it is either dark or a deep blood red. The shots are nearly all close ups or extreme close ups to show the fear on their faces. the font used is basic and in flourescent green to fit the colour of the character. there is also the use of blood and a person screaming which shows the audience it is an action film. They are mainly framed quite centrally which makes the viewer focus on the specific objects.

Dirty Harry

The opening sequence and credits to Dirty Harry hve a mixture of POV and close ups mostly to show facial expressions. the rich sea blues emphasize the setting as being in somewhere maybe tropical or hot. the credits are quite simple which keeps the viewers eye on the action.